Friday, February 28, 2020


Our approach to lunch is my husband and I take turns being responsible. We do want to make sure that is at least the one meal we eat together and share not just our daily bread, but the details of our lives and interests.

Sometimes we present an elaborate meal complete with music. Other times it is more casual. Then there are the days when one of us will say, "I'm cooking at La Noisette today." That is the restaurant at the end of our street in Argelès.

We are in Geneva for several months, but almost every day, Franck, one of the owners of Bisous Bisous the dress store across from La Noisette has been posting the menu du jour. So often we see the photos and think I'd rather eat there than cook. However, the eight hour drive from Geneva to Argelès makes it impractical.

Plan B today was Marronier near our home in Geneva where over the years we've consumer countless meals.

There is another difference: At La Noisette we often sit outside, watching people walk by. Today at Marrionier we gazed at the falling snow out the window.

One advantage of both. No one has any dishes to do after the meal.

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