Sunday, March 08, 2020


A pandemic is never funny, yet there are attempts at humor as the photo above still happen. There are nasty remarks about giving it to disliked politicians.

Between the news and the discussions with my husband, random thoughts bounce around in my head.

I am by age and previous health conditions in the high risk category, but somehow I'm not afraid. Instead I'm observing how it is being handled around the globe. I find it fascinating in a macabre way.


1.. A kid on twitter screams that it is a hoax and a plot to do in Trump.

2.  Masks, hand sanitizer and toilet paper are in short supply because of panic buying. 

3. The sanitizer is sad to be ineffective as are the masks.

4.  There have been hysteria in the past about other viruses. This one will probably go away like the others, but there's no guarantee. 

5. A cough or sneeze from someone nearby can cause worry.

6. Cheek kissing, hugs and touching are become rare out of fear.


What would life be like in quarantine? A lot would depend when and where.

1. On a cruise ship confined to an inner stateroom without a porthole would be worse than with a porthole. Telling Rick that he said that he never expects to book us on a cruise, but he knows if this changes, only an outside stateroom will do.

2. Where we live in Geneva with books, internet and friends to drop off food as needed would not be awful if we weren't sick. If both Rick and I were ill, it would be difficult, but this would be the best place I've lived to face quarantine. If we were quarantined in a hospital away from each other, that would be the hardest of all.

3. Quarantine may or may not be working depending on the news broadcast.


Any death is a tragedy to the loved ones. Still the number of deaths from cancer, diabetes and other illnesses dwarf the deaths from Corona-virus.  This does not mean it won't reverse, only that it would be nice to see attention paid to these other illnesses.

Governmental response

That varies with the country. Some are cancelling events with large crowds like the Geneva Auto Show. Sporting events are held without audiences. Some countries put their best minds and scientists to work on the problem. Others do the opposite. Some tell the truth. Others lie. 


1. The loss of income from cancellations is still unknown and won't be for sometime. 

2. It is not just the companies that suffer. People who live in countries without a social net, who are one paycheck from financial catastrophe have everything to lose. Not all companies like Microsoft will continue to pay employees such as cafeteria workers who have no work, because those employees who can work from home are doing just that. In countries without universal health care those that are sick are basically in danger of financial ruin if they face an extended hospitalization.

3. Not all companies will survive the loses.


The full damage  from the virus sill not be known until it is over. 

As for me, no panic. I watch as an observer often shocked by the sometimes cruelty of others, the stupidity, the manipulation of the situation. I think of one of my mother's sayings, "This too will pass." 


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this, Donnalene. I’m one of those freelance workers whose job is being affected. No work, no pay. I feel very sorry for those wage earners on low incomes whose companies have closed. The panic is almost more worrying than the illness.
