Sunday, March 29, 2020

Dressing in the time of Corona

    How many of you in lockdown dress each day? Not talking office dress, but nice jeans, sweats, etc.

    1. This is the only male that answered. Not sure if I am allowed to comment here, but I have not changed the way I dress because of the lockdown. Same clothes every day, and I'm currently re-considering that no-deodorant-necessary policy. (everyone else is anonymous...this is the love of my life and he doesn't smell).
    2. Nope. I will get out of the pajamas, but I am enjoying living in sweat pants.
    3. I always shower and dress (I’m locked down with a husband who does the same) and put on earrings and lipstick. It makes me feel good to be dressed nicely, even if I spend most of the time on the computer.
    4. You know me - yes - but then again I have a stylin’ guy. I’m not going to let him outdress me!
    5.  I do. Was even thinking about changing my clothes for dinner -- just to pretend. But so far I haven't done that…this woman lives alone. 
    6. I do! Still getting dressed, wearing my earrings and spraying a little perfume. No real changes.

    7. I have to. I don’t want to shock my home working son-in-law.🤣

    8. Moi. As a writer whose been in "lockdown" with writing projects over many years, I always do my hair, make-up& dress as if I'm going to work. Earrings too (Bra too! (I know... I'm nuts.)

    9. I shower and dress ...casually. No make-up and bra.

    10. I shower and dress casually but definitely get presentable for the day at the computer. Looking for words for a children’s book. 

    11. I do albeit sometimes not till midday...but up showered, hair washed, blow dried, dressed and even earrings and perfume before 10 a Skype coaching call in a mo

    12.  I realize I feel better when I put on make up. I’m teaching on line - students see me but I don’t see them so have to make up then. Video very unflattering... 

    13.  I've always thought we dressed and did our hair etc. for ourselves. Feels good to feel "put together." 

    14.  Guilty as charged 

    15.  Good question. Yoga pants are wonderful. When I teach online, I try to make an effort with a little make-up, but I have worn workout gear during the lessons. No one seems to notice. :-) 

    16.  I haven't changed habits. I bathe at least every other day. I wear the same clothes, but not necessarily the same two days in a row. If I'm sloppy cooking or gardening, of course laundry is necessary. I don't wear makeup and I hardly ever wear earrings. 

    17.  I thought it was always for others. I went to modeling school and we were drilled in looking impeccable every day. As I get older I do it for myself. 

    18.  (From a friend caught in a lockdown in India) How funny you should ask that - just Today as I sat on my balcony doing my Isha Kia. Meditation -with my lipstick on and my prettiest sarong draped around me –… Yes I still make the effort… Nature never gives up on her beauty so why, thinks I, should we

    19. haven't changed habits. I bathe at least every other day. I wear the same clothes, but not necessarily the same two days in a row. If I'm sloppy cooking or gardening, of course laundry is necessary. I don't wear makeup and I hardly ever wear earrings.

    20.Not this kid, unless I'm in a video conference and then it's only made up from the waist upward.

    21.I change PJs every three days. Does that count?

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