Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Julian Assange

Julian Assange is being tortured by the British and US governments. The danger is any journalist anywhere in the world can be prosecuted by the US government for reporting negativity about the US especially if it is the truth. Carried one step further to the extreme, anyone, anywhere can be brought under the US eye for breaking a US law and if extradited punished.

This is a timeline of the major events.

Julian Assange (b. 1971 Australia)
  • 2010 Founder Wikileaks, a publisher that puts on the internet materials of US wrongdoing in Iraq sent by whistle blowers.
  • 2010 Published via New York Times, Guardian, Der Spiegel, papers showing US soldier murdering civilians. Also released 75,000 classified documents about US behavior in Afghanistan. Materials were supplied by hackers including Chelsea Manning. Assange was not in the US at the time.
  • Aug. 2010 - The Swedish Prosecutor's Office first issues an arrest warrant for Assange. It says there are two separate allegations - one of rape and one of molestation. Assange denies the claims,
  • Nov. 2010 US started a criminal investigation against Assange for breaking US law.
  • Nov. 2010 Sweden issues an international arrest warrant for an alleged rape charge. Sweden had regularly refused to question Assange when he tried to make himself available. He offers to go to Swedish embassy in London, for interview, which is denied.
  • Dec. 2010 Assange surrendered to UK police on the international arrest warrant from Sweden. He was afraid if extradited to Sweden, it would send him to the US. 
  • May 2012 The UK's Supreme Court rules Assange should be extradited to Sweden to face questioning over the allegations. Assange has agreed prior to answer questions in the UK.
  • June 2012 To protect himself from extradition to the US by the UK, he took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy where he remained for 7 years. He had skipped bail of £240,000.
  • Aug, 2012 Ecuador grants Assange asylum saying they are afraid that Assange's human rights will be violated if he is extradited to the US.
  • Aug. 2015 Sweden drops the investigation. Assange has never been formally charged for rape.
  • Feb. 2016 "A United Nations panel has decided that Julian Assange’s three-and-a-half years in the Ecuadorian embassy amounted to “arbitrary detention”, leading his lawyers to call for the Swedish extradition request to be dropped immediately. The Guardian who printed the material that is part of the debate.
  • Nov. 2016 Swedish prosecutor questions Assange at the Ecuador embassy. 
  • Apr. 2017 US Attorney General says arresting Assange is a priority.
  • May 2017 Sweden withdraws rape charge.
  • Jan. 2018 given Ecuadorian citizenship." The Guardian
  • Mar 2018 Ecuador cuts Assange's internet connection.
  • Feb. 2019 Ecuador received $4.2 billion IMF finance deal with another $6 billion in loans from World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank. 
  • Feb, 2019 Australia gives Assange a new passport in fear that Ecuador with a new government will reverse their decision to offer him asylum.
  • April 2019 Ecuador rescinds citizenship and asylum. US unveils an indictment against Assange for alleged computer intrusion, related to the leaks provided by Chelsea Manning.
  • April 11, 2019 Assange arrested by UK.
  • May 2019 Sentenced to 50 weeks for breaking bail. Held in solitary confinement, not allowed time with his attorney. Extreme measures in comparison how other bail jumping defendants are treated.
  • Nov. 2019 Sweden drops all charges
  • Feb. 2020 Hearing for extradition begins. Assange kept in glass cage not allowed to sit with Lawyer.
https://www.democracynow.org/2020/3/2/julian_assange_extradition_case_uk His representatives speak.

If the truth about wrong doing can't be made public than we are all in danger of out of control governments.

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