Monday, March 23, 2020

Not isolation

I am a social person. I talk to everyone known and unknown. Strangers become momentary friends.

Being locked in should frustrate me, but I don't feel deprived.

Thanks to social media, there's an amazing amount of connection and interconnection.

My high school friends talk to my college friends. People I knew when we were stationed in Germany in the 60s talk to people from my Geneva Writing Group. Then those that have been warriors in our FATCA battle join us in our Flying Colours group. A woman I worked with when first out of college pops up as do fellow colleagues from different jobs over my career. Neighbors from different parts of my life become friends with each other. It's a big etc.

Political opinions vary from far right to far left, atheists to evangelicals. Writers, artists and dancers don't have political opinions as much.

Toilet paper jokes are international.

Jokes are good. They don't eliminate the seriousness, but humor increases coping skills.

Several friends do blogs and our experiences are similar yet different.

Emails and messages come in from the US, India, Canada, Sweden, Germany, France, Switzerland, Scotland, Sweden, Italy, Syria, Egypt. 

We aren't sure how long this will go on -- two weeks, four, ten?

Face to face isolation, cheek to cheek kissing isolation exist, but people are out there for each other if only we reach out.

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