Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Toilet Paper

At a meeting of toilet paper hoarders anonymous (TPA), I stand, "My name is Donna-Lane and I'm a toilet paper hoarder."

It started when I lived in Germany as a bride and we had a flat with a shared bathroom and the landlady only allowed us to use newspaper.

Since then, I always want to know that I have a backlog of toilet paper, preferably soft and color coordinated to the bathroom but not mandatory, under my bathroom sink. 

Not only that I want to make sure two rolls are in easy reach of the toilet itself. And although that should be enough, there is a small closet in our second bedroom (we call it the snore room and I use it as an office) that has four rolls just in case.

I am circumspect with my use--enough to do the job, not a sheet more. My daughter on the other hand seems to be able to use roll without even entering the bathroom. When asked, she claims she likes it with chocolate sauce.  

My husband is an enabler. I came home from a short trip to find half the bathroom filled with toilet paper. I was so happy.

This has nothing to do with the Coronavirus, but there is a nice feeling of security if the store shelves are empty of toilet paper, I have plenty. That is an advantage of being a TPA member. 

Toilet paper can even lead to art forms.


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