Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Bras and the virus

On Facebook I asked how my women friends were dressing when confined to the house during shutdown. I published the results in my

I tend to dress up a bit. When I say dress up, I don't mean like I would for an office, a business meeting or a formal night out. I mean, color co-ordinates down to matching up underwear. I also dress for comfort. The two are not mutually exclusive.

One of the things many of the women reported they've had when staying home is the joy of going braless.

Up until my 40s, I always went braless. This was not a feminist statement. I found my empty AA cups depressing.

In high school when they were measuring girls breast sizes for their graduation robes, I was embarrassed when the measurements were being called out. "35, 34, 36, 38, 30." I was the 30. The only time I filled out an AA cup was immediately after giving birth and even that was impossible on leaving the hospital with my newborn five days later.

In my 40s, I was glanced at myself in the mirror and LO and BEHOLD. I had two breasts. I went out and bought pretty bras and matching panties.

Then in my 60s, I developed a tumor, and in it's removal my right breast developed an eyebrow. I chronicled the procedure in another blog

Later I put the blogs in a book, The Cockeyed Nipple which I published for the anglo community in Geneva. It's hard enough going through breast cancer but not speaking French made it harder.

Still at that point, I could choose to go braless or not depending on my outfit.

In a second round of breast cancer, they lobbed off my breast. No way was I going to have reconstructive surgery. I'd had enough of hospitals. Now if I decided to go braless, I was lopsided. If I wear a loose sweatshirt, but anything remotely fitted and I'm lopsided.

My lovely husband doesn't care, but I'm too vain.It has nothing to do with the virus.

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