Friday, April 24, 2020

Jealousy in the time of Corona

My husband and I are both writers. Although I've been a journalist, he still is. I am more of a fiction writer having several published books to my credit. Both of us have worked in PR, a different type of wordsmithing. 

We both spend a great deal of time at the computer banging out words, weighing words, rearranging words.

Why am I jealous?


The world could end and Rick wouldn't know till he finished an article.


A grape leaf can float gently to the ground outside my window and my concentration is broken. Right now I'm trying to whip my new novel DayCare into final shape despite concentration lapses.
  • Anne-Marie should not believe Liam. ooops there goes another leaf. Where was I now?
  • Will Brenda meet her boss? A message dinged in on FB. I'll check it out.
  • Should I add a pet to the story? The dog jumped on the bed. Maybe he needs to go out.
  • Sally's parents, did I make them too extreme? Another cup of tea would be good.
And so it goes.

I love being married to a writer. We can talk about wording in our work and in whatever we are reading.  

It thrills me when he asks me if he can read the lead on the story he just finished. I am thrilled when he tells me he likes what I've written.

We both get to where we want to be at the end...well not quite...even after things are published we might want to change a word, add a sentence.

As for the concentration, I wish there was some type of concentration cell in his blood and we were of the same blood type and there could be a transfusion.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a cure for it. You can’t type blindfolded. Good luck.
