Saturday, April 11, 2020

Normal in the time of Covoid-19

How normal we were tonight. 


Just like before lockdown.

Le Pâton, pizza place was open. Open. Open!

It was the first time any eating establishment had been open since the lockdown.

We are a couple who eat out a lot, claiming it supports local restaurants. It also supports our own lazy desires not to take the time to cook or clean up, although we both enjoy cooking. It's a good thing we find pleasure in cooking, because we've had no alternative since the beginning of March.

Rick hotfooted it down to Le Pâton and stood outside (no one is allowed in) until they handed him our two boxes. We do his and her pizzas.

For the first time since the fall, we ate on the patio in front of a lit fire. Soft music was piped in from the living room.  This is also a back to normal moment.

As always we had plenty to talk about. Despite being almost exclusively limited to each other's company we never lack for conversation be it business, writing, books, Sherlock, the lockdown, friends, Facebook, movies, politics etc., etc., etc.

Saturday morning wasn't normal. No Marché.

I woke up and decided I would do homage to Cristin Lavin's "Eating Cold Pizza for Breakfast."* Lyrics below.

Some people eat grapefruit for breakfast
some people eat oatmeal
there are those who are sure
granola is a very good deal
but not me I don't go for that stuff
when it comes to nourishment I get more than enough
nuthin' satisfies my taste like sitting down to a great big plate

of cold pizza for breakfast
warm coke to wash it down
maybe a couple of pepperoni
make this meal well rounded
gimme cold pizza for breakfast
in a pinch cold spaghetti'll do
but there's nuthin' in the world that I like better
than eat cold pizza with you

My man takes me out in the evenin'
he treats me so nice
we go to the movies
we go dancin'
we go for more than a slice
yes we order a pie eat what we can
take the rest home that's part of the plan
but in the mornin' when the sun rise
he sees that crazy look eyes

I want cold pizza for breakfast
warm coke to wash it down
maybe a couple of onion rings
make this world go round
gimme cold pizza for breakfast
in a pinch cold spaghetti'll do
but there's nuthin' in the world that I like better
than eating cold pizza with you

I know . . . that Oprah . . .  would never . . . approve
but Oprah Winfrey has a private cook!
(she doesn't cook)
she doesn't buy groceries because she's so busy
starring in her fabulous TV show and reading fancy books
(and memoirs)
Oprah got skinny
well, thank God not too 'skinny'
but Oprah now only eats sensible food
(no junk in the trunk)
but wouldn't you love it if she called her local pizza parlor said,
"Boys, this is Oprah . . . guess what I'm in the mood for?"

Cold pizza for breakfast
warm coke to wash it down
maybe a coupla carrot curls
keep this girl well rounded
cold pizza for breakfast
in a pinch cold spaghetti'll do
nuthin' in the world that I like better
than eatin cold pizza with you

nuthin' in the world that I like better than eatin cold pizza
oh oh oh
nuthin' in the world that I like better than eatin'
cold pizza with you . . .
AAH . . . 

*If you listen, her other songs are amusing too including the one about passwords.

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