Saturday, April 18, 2020

Poor Socialist Denmark

Poor socialist Denmark. They don't have any of these long lines for food like the US. What are they doing wrong?

A Danish friend, a doctor when I asked her said, "We don’t need that in Denmark (nor in Scandinavian at all) as we have a welfare society."

And the other horrible thing Denmark is doing? It is making sure that workers will get paid so when the society opens up again, everyone is ready to go back.

How will the Danish people survive without all that worry about surviving financially?

And poor Denmark, when they pay their taxes they get good things back. How will they ever learn to panic and suffer? Why they even have guaranteed health. Horrible.

Poor, poor Denmark. 

1 comment:

  1. So I guess Canada is socialist too. Oh dear. Our son’s partner is getting $2000 a month while she can’t work. Oh my, one worry I don’t have is about going bankrupt from medical bills. Guess we are missing out on the full Pandemic experience.
