Monday, April 20, 2020

Sensual lockdown

The rain arrived from Barcelona. When I walked to Chez Elizabeth (allowed with filled in permission slip) for strawberries, I couldn't see it, but the mist covered my face. I loved the feel. Rain, especially spring rain makes the air smell fresh, more so now that there is almost no cars.

Once home the rain resumed and beat its music on the skylight, a beautiful sound.

Breakfast was strawberry-cinnamon pancakes. Strawberries are a beautiful red making my eyes happy and my olfactory nerves enjoyed both their sweet odor and the cinnamon smell. The sizzle of the butter in the pan was a pleasure to hear and watching the holes come up in the cooking pancakes just increased my appetite.

I have always loved peas. Fresh are best and this is the season. Shelling them has its own pleasure with the tiny pop each pod makes when I break it open. They also make a delicate plop into the pan. In a way it is like a treasure hunt because I never know what is inside, a couple, lots, half round, bursting. Two peas made a runner, one down the drain, one across the floor. I guess Sherlock doesn't like peas because he made no attempt to capture it.
The main course was chicken fricassee. I get less excited about pulling the meat of the chicken carcass, but that I could feel the cold through my nerve-deadened fingers, proved once again I was alive thanks to the chemo that stole my nerves.

Watching my roux accept the bullion and thicken was another pleasure. This time I added just a little cream.

As usual when we eat, Rick and I had no problem finding something to chat about. The topic this time was more focused on Sherlock who was being extra adorable.

I can truthfully say I have never been bored during the lockdown. There is too much to do, see, feel, read, write, watch, think, play. Being with the man and dog I love, is a pretty good way. Yes, I miss the cafe sits and impromptu inviting someone in for coffee/tea. I miss hugs and cheek kisses, but it is a small price to pay for my safety and the safety of my friends and neighbors.

1 comment:

  1. Millie12:57 PM

    Enjoying this lovely little foray into another world, familiar yet distant. Thank you.
