Monday, April 06, 2020

Smaller world

It's long been a saying that it is a small world even before the Corona virus.

It was proven this morning once again that with social media it has grown even smaller despite the lockdown.

I met Sandy on Facebook via a friend in Paris. He and I were fellow FATCA fighters. He thought Sandy, whom he knew in Paris, and I would like each other. He was right.

This morning I got this message from Sandy.

"Hope you guys are doing well. One of my friends from the U.S. sent me a link to a blog she thought I would enjoy. I started reading it today and discovered that the blogger is also a writer, originally from California, and lives in Argèles sur Mer. Was wondering if you had come across Salley J. Robins in your Argèles life?"

During the lockdown, Robin and I communicate mainly through Facebook rather than with coffee in cafés. I told her about Sandy and Sandy about her. 

This morning, Paris, Southern France, California and the American South all touched one another from our keyboards. We shared moments.

Our worlds just got a little smaller.

Robin writes some great blogs

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