Monday, May 18, 2020


 The marie where Rick and I became a legal couple

Five years ago today Rick and I, accompanied by our witnesses/friends/family of choice Julia and Scott to legalize the marriage vows we had made before 40 families and friends from seven countries two years before. We passed the wine press to enter the marie (village town hall)

In France, Switzerland and many other countries, the only marriages that have legal standing are done at whatever city hall prevails.

We were greeted warmly and shown in to a room that had been set up for the event. It included a table where two officials sat. The four of us were in chairs on the opposite. A huge bouquet of assorted flowers was on the table. 

We listened to the women official read our duties and responsibilities as a couple and family in a room. We had to repeat some of these things. Rick, who at the time knew little French never believed that he agreed to a long list of household chores.

We signed the documents with a beautiful silver pen the woman handed us. As we went to leave, they presented us with the flowers and the pen.

Our marriage lunch was at a favorite restaurant where the manager offered us a bottle of champagne. During the meal Julia and Scott started speaking German, which I thought strange. Julia seemed very worried about how and when Scott would be home that evening, but my German wasn't good enough to be sure I understood.

Later I understood. Julia had arranged for a surprise reception. Her house were full of people we all cared about.

Rick and I have had many anniversaries. One goes back to the seventies when we met at a conference in Missouri. Another is when he came to Geneva in 2012 and via LinkedIn asked if I wanted a cup of coffee. What a cup that was as was the fondue,,, We could add other milestones as well because so many of our days are a celebration of our really good lives.


  1. That sounds like a lovely wedding. Happy anniversary.

  2. We are so happy that you two are so happy! I loved learning more about your wedding. Happy Anniversary, dear friends! R&Y
