Saturday, May 30, 2020

dog toys

Sherlock, our rescue pup, is one of the lucky ones. He found a home where he is adored and pampered (spoiled rotten is a better term).

He not only gets lots of lap time, playtime and good food, he has plenty of toys.

Two of his favorite toys, Lambchop and BooBoo were in the animal hospital waiting for repairs.

It took months, because when we went from our Geneva home to our French home for Easter we forgot them. Then we were stuck in quarantine until May 11 and when we got back to Geneva, I needed thread.

This morning surgery was completed.

We were curious if our dog would remember his once favorite toys. As soon as he saw them on the top of the chest of drawers he reacted pretty much like he does when a favorite friend shows up at the front door, tail wags, jumping and a welcoming bark.

They were back to their old games in second. I am not sure how soon I will be doing surgery again, but my thread and needle are ready.

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