Friday, May 08, 2020


"What's "Friends?" I asked.

I was having a girls weekend in Zurich with a friend, CB, and former colleague and one of her friends.

"You don't know...?????" CB explained it was a newish new hit American sitcom and she had the DVDs for the first season.

We broke out the wine and nibblies and proceeded to watch episode, after episode, after episode until we could barely keep our eyes open.

"You are much more Monica, CB and I'm more Rachel," the friend said.

I didn't know the friend, but I did know having once shared an apartment with CB and worked with her she did have a lot of Monica's OCD tendencies. They never bothered me because I was a bit of Monica myself.

There was an episode where Monica was bet that she can't leave shoes not arranged neatly all night. She takes the bet. The camera shows her wide awake in bed until the middle of the night when she gets up to arrange the shoes neatly.

I thought of this last night when on the way to the bathroom I had to rearrange the knives in the wooden knife holder. I always take them out far left to far right and back. When they are clean I put them back so they are used in turn. That way they wear evenly. OCDem with a practical purpose.

I hang towels a certain way so the pattern on the bottom line up. I can survive if Rick hangs them differently so I am only a little Monica.

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