Sunday, June 28, 2020

City vs. Country

I loved living in the city of Boston.
Popping out my front door, catching the subway to wherever. Being able to go to the theatre, museums etc. by walking. Any shopping could be done on foot. I was a city girl.

Boston did have the Emerald Necklace, a circle of parks as well as the Boston Common to feed any nature needs. Also, my drive to work was a reverse commute through the Massachusetts countrish towns.

Then I moved to the Vals de Travers in Switzerland. My village had 600 people, 6000 cows. It also had a museum where Jean-Jacques Rousseau hung out when in trouble with Genevan authorities and an old abbey where champagne (method) was produced.

My dogs loved the walks through the fields, up the mountain and to the waterfall. I did too. I became a country girl.

Later I lived near the airport in Geneva for 11 years. How nice to walk to the airport through a park. girl again.

I have a flat in a French village that is minutes from the country. The village has everything I need in walking distance. Village girl.

My Geneva apartment is minutes from the lake with a view of both the Jura and Alps. It is in a village on the outskirts of the city. Village girl.

Here we have the advantage of a major city (bus or car needed) or all kinds of being in the country without realizing a thriving international city is less than 30 minutes away.

So I guess I'm neither a city or a country person, although I lean to the quiet life. There is something good for the heart and soul to hear the birds singing, be surrounded by flowers and trees.

If I had to decide on one?  Hmmm...Village where I could walk to everything with the country and city nearby.

Someone once called me a cake eater because I wanted my cake and to eat it too. Strangely enough, I've succeeded.

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