Thursday, June 11, 2020

Open libraryOn

One of the hardest things about lockdown was the library being closed. Yes I do have a Kindle for reading. And I can always read French books, but I am lazy and I prefer the ease of English. And I prefer paper.

The English Library in Geneva has over 10,000 English books and keeps up with new publications. It it located in the American Church.

There were changes including using the back entrance through a lovely garden. Than with the limitations of four people inside, strips were added to the brick path alongside the flower garden.

My wait in a light drizzle was long enough to snap this photo. Once inside it almost felt like a home coming as I chose my reading matter for the next week or so.
They published these restrictions.

To ensure the safety of volunteers and members we request that you follow the social distancing guidelines. Please note the additional changes below:

  • Library access will be limited to 4 members at a time, we therefore request that only one person per family come if possible and that the time spent in the Library be kept to a minimum.
  • Building access will be from the side door of the Library facing the rue Docteur-Alfred-Vincent, please come in that way or follow the signs from the rue de Monthoux side around the church.
  • Everyone entering the building is to use hand-sanitizer, which the Library will provide and wear a face mask (please bring your own).
  • The toilets in the building will not be accessible for the time being.
  • Returned books will be quarantined before they can be borrowed again.
  • The due date of all books on loan is extended until 30 June.

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