Friday, June 26, 2020

Shut out

Because of the virus, countries have been closing their borders. We had been trapped in France for two months, which was not a hardship.

When the confinement ended we hoped that as legal residents Switzerland would let us in when we went home even though the border was closed to others. We were.

We have been regular country hoppers. We've been known to go to France or Spain for lunch depending where we were. The French border is about ten minutes from our home in Switzerland. The Spanish border is about 30 minutes from our flat in France.

We venture further. The UK for a weekend or Scotland for a game of golf is a reasonable decision..

Rick, more than me, travels frequently to the U.S. on business and to see his daughter, son-in-law and grandkids. Last Christmas we spent two weeks with my daughter in Boston. It was a wicked good.

No more.

Borders may be opening up between Schengen countries, but the EU is thinking of closing them to people from countries where the virus is out of control. One of those is the U.S.

The virus is anything but under control although a majority of nations seem to be holding it at bay.

Some experts think it could go on for one, two, or three years. Although Rick and I are in relatively good health our status as wrinklies is such that it means we might not see our daughters again if we should catch the virus and die. He's younger and he has a better chance.

I am hoping I am over-reacting that the plans we've discussed for her to come to us at Christmas will go through, but with each surge in the U.S. and each new level of stupidity in the U.S. to do something about it grows.

It is frightening that if my daughter needs me that I can go to her, but I might not be able to get back if I arrive on an American departure plane. The danger is greater for Rick who is American. That she couldn't come to me is also sad-making.

The only other time this happened was after 9/11 when the U.S. shut down all traffic.

Yet, I understand why banning border crossings to Americans might be done, and I agree.

I am just grateful that several times a week, my FB message bell sounds and she and I have a catch up chat even if it is not the same as each of us curled up on the couch with a cup of tea in our hands, although I suppose we could curl up on our respective couches an ocean part. At least our hearts are together.

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