Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Judge Judy says "You can't fix stupid."

I wish I could. When I look at the U.S. I see how so many refuse to admit that the virus is real or a problem. Or how many refuse to wear a mask or social distance themselves.

Stupid needs to be fixed there.

Big time!

I think of the pastors and the religious fanatics who said Jesus would protect them. Maybe those that died from the virus can discuss it with Jesus, because if heaven is real, they are there with him now. Thirty something pastors that have held church services are now dead from the virus.

How many people did they take with them who would have preferred not to die?

There are those that still claim hoax, often blaming the "looney" left. They don't believe the statistics. Amazing how countries all over the world are participating in the same hoax, isn't it?

I look at the kids crowded into a church in Arizona without masks despite a mandate to wear them. The stupidity of youth. I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I wonder how many will get the virus.

Of those that get it or become carriers, how many will pass it on to their loved ones. I imagine a Thanksgiving family dinner ten years from now when one person says, "Remember Johnny the year when you brought the virus to grandma after that rally and she died?"

The countries that are doing worse are those that have ignored the science and guidelines, UK and Brazil. Those that are doing better are those that have shut down, confined, wear masks.

America brags how it is number 1. It is number one in the virus although Brazil may still beat them.

And yes, the virus has hurt the economy. If humanity destroys itself there will be no economy, but the earth may start to heal itself from the damage humanity has inflicted on itself.

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