Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Venus, meet Mars

This book, written a few years back, tried to explain male/female differences.

One, they said, was communication. A woman would say something merely to share the information. The man would immediately try to find a solution, which the woman probably didn't want. She was looking more for an mmm or an "I understand."

Rick and I had a Venus/Mars moment yesterday.

I was doing paperwork and I said how much easier it was in Argelès than in Geneva where we are now. This wasn't a complaint so much as a statement of fact -- and the fact we can be in two wonderful places is not a cause for sympathy. (Venus-information sharing)

Rick, bless him, immediately offered alternatives to my arrangement. (Mars-solution)

I do not want to change the Venus/Mars, Male/Female balance. I love having a male perspective. If I want a female point of view, I've women friends (Julia, Lydia, Karrie, Llara, etc. even if she's my daughter) for that.

My late friend Barbara, an anthropologist, said women should not expect a husband to meet all their needs. That what women friends are for. On the other hand, women don't meet the needs that men do so well.

Meanwhile, this Venus is really happy with the Mars in her life.

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