Tuesday, August 18, 2020

How to make coffee



We are not coffee drinkers. I do have an Italian coffee pot for company who wants coffee.


Marco, our local artist is preparing our patio wall for a tableau. He loves coffee.


I’ve taken off for Hostalet aka “The Boys” a couple of blocks from our flat. Their wifi is working. Ours is throwing irregular stop working strikes. Nothing like a good cup of Yorkshire tea along with a working wifi.


When I married my husband, he could have won the gold medal for finicky eaters. Living in France and Switzerland has converted him to trying many things and liking them. We share the cooking and he’s become quite accomplished. But making coffee has not been one of them for lack of need. He FB messages me.

First FB message on how he should make coffee.

I mostly filled the bottom with coffee, then mostly filled the top with water, put it on the stove at 10 and for 6 minutes (plus extra pot for weight).

My answer

Bottom is water middle with coffee, but on stove and check when top is filled. Or go to Noisette and buy him a coffee.

Second FB message

Bottom is water?

The little round cup is not for the coffee?

Not sure Noisette is open, they weren't when I walked Sherlock at 8.

So all I was doing was heating / burning coffee grounds - how much coffee in the top?

Third FB Message

I am not doing this right. Water bottom, coffee in top?

Or water AND coffee in bottom nothing in top?

Do we have any sugar?

My answer

Sugar in heart cup.

Fourth FB Message

So water in bottom, coffee in strainer cup, nothing in top canister? The coffee bubbles up into that? Gotta get on a call

My answer


Fifth FB Message

I'm still doing something wrong. There is no liquid coming up into the cylinder. (This is going to be a blog.)

Sixth FB Message

I was right, Noisette is closed this morning. Got the coffee from Mille et Une.


Glad to provide your morning's entertainment.

Seventh FB Message

Are U coming back now?


I’ll show him how to do it for Marco if I’m not here the next few days while Marco is working. He needs to show me something on my Kindle. Shared knowledge.

I’m not making fun. He deserves kudos for trying. He has a dueling blog at http://lovinglifeineurope.blogspot.com


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