Friday, August 14, 2020

Should they serve?

 Should Christians be allowed to serve in government?

This question was triggered by a Facebook post touting the danger of Kamela Harris whose parents were Indian (Hindu) and Jamaican (Rastafarian). The FB poster cited a book about Hindu cruelties. I haven't read the book.

Since I have many Hindu friends, it does not compute. And yet I don't doubt that there are many Hindus that do bad things?

At the same time, I think of most of the western wars throughout history have been fought by Christians, sometimes Catholics against Protestants, sometime rulers who were cementing their power and all the soldiers pressed into service were Christian because that was the main religion.

Never mind the Crusades where thousands and thousands of Christians attacked Arab countries.

One only needs to look at Ireland to see the damage denomination against denomination of the same basic religion to question if those at the top deserved to be there.

And let's look at the Ku Klux Klan with their white hoods and robes who have hung Negros. "According to the Equal Justice Initiative, 4,084 African-Americans were lynched between 1877 and 1950 in the South. The stereotype of a lynching is a hanging because hangings are what crowds of people saw and are also easy to photograph." Wikipedia. These were mainly done by Christian men.

One can't forget the Holocaust. That was done by Christians. 

The atomic bomb was developed and dropped on Japan by Christians.

Or more modern atrocities. What do you think is the religion of the people who operate the cages where too many children are imprisoned along the US southern border? 

Christian probably. It is not far fetched. One only has to check to the CIA Fact Book on the religious make up of the US. It is, "Protestant 46.5%, Roman Catholic 20.8%, Jewish 1.9%, Mormon 1.6%, other Christian 0.9%, Muslim 0.9%, Jehovah's Witness 0.8%, Buddhist 0.7%, Hindu 0.7%, other 1.8%, unaffiliated 22.8%, don't know/refused 0.6% (2014 est.)"

With 0.7% Hindus of the population I am not worried about Kamala Harris. She considers herself a Black Baptist. With her exposure to other religions, I would hope she would reflect the tolerance that should be the guidepost of any religion rather than bigotry.


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