Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sunrise on the Med


Crosshatch on water

Sunlight paths divide the soft waves

playing their music.

Church bells ring in Argelès at 7:05. This morning the sunrise was scheduled for 7:05. We knew we wouldn't hear them, but we felt the needed to see the sun come up over the Med. We could imagine the bells.

Sherlock was out of the car and down the path to the water (which will never touch his feet.) We followed, awed by the sky's pinks and blues and one line of red. Where the sun would make its appearance, was previewed by a halo.

Except for one couple on the far side of the sand and Sherlock, we were alone. Minute by minute the sky changed until the sun had escaped the sea. It shone a path of what looked like yellow stones to shore.

We looked to our left. Horses and riders broke our solitude as they headed for a swim in the ragged shoreline.

We wanted to go home before the end of the tourists interrupted our magic moment.

Opposite the beach and sea are the mountains and wild plants, beautiful in another way. Each step to the car only reinforced our total love of our lives.


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