Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Motherless Child



These are the faces of victims of abortion. All of them lost their mothers who thought they had no alternative but to abort a baby which they felt they could never take care of. 

This documentary shows the other side of abortion. Not the fetus that never developed but the children already here.Their mothers were so desperate they submitted to backroom abortionists. And died.

In the documentary a soulful sax plays "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child." Those people in the photo didn't just feel it...they were motherless...

It didn't have to be that way.

If abortion is made illegal there will be more motherless children.

There seldom is a good solution to an unwanted pregnancy. Some women will continue to chose abortion. Women with means will travel to where it is legal. Where it is illegal, they will do anything to stop the pregnancy.

Please watch the film.

It took a year of research to write this book. I make no money but send it to pro-choice and pro-life groups if you contact me. Or order today and share, please.  





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