Sunday, September 20, 2020

So, so tired


My husband's snoring often wakes me and even when it doesn't I often wake up. I flip on CNN usually to see Chris Cuomo hand the show over to Don Lemon. The two men are obviously friends and if nothing catastrophic is happening they banter back and forth.

The other night they'd gone to dinner. They were saying how despite news casts to the contrary much of New York City was not violent. Then Chris made the joke saying "except for the man with the machete."

It was a joke. It was banter. They went on to say how sometimes people recognize them. 

Then the next day I flipped onto Fox News. I had never watched Fox News mainly because no one carried it. Now Bluewin, our supplier does.

There were Lemon and Cuomo being lambasted as being disgusting for joking about violence. Their comments were taken totally out of context as the commentators ranted on.

Because I watch so many different news casts from several countries, I often think that their are many different planets being reported on.

I also listen for choice of words. As a writer I know that can be powerful.

Making a mountain out of a molehill seems to be the done thing. It adds to the unrest and hatred that seems to be destroying the U.S. Better to sling vitriol than look to the causes of problems and try to solve them.

I feel sadness for my birth country. I feel anger at those who are helping to destroy it no matter what their role.

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