Sunday, September 27, 2020

Why...a dozen reasons



A Dozen Reasons Why

 Why do women seek an abortion? In the year I spent researching abortion before Roe v Wade I came up with a list of the most common reasons.

An unwanted pregnancy has no good solutions. A woman determined to end the pregnancy will find a way. If she has money she can travel to where it is safe. If she's poor she will find a way, many that will kill her or leave her unable to have children.

1. She has more children than she can support financially, emotionally or both.

2. There are physical problems.

3. Her family will disown her

4. It is not her husband's child.

5. It will ruin her chances for an education or a job.

6. There is an inherited disease in the family.

7. She has been told by a doctor it will be fatal for her to carry the child.

8. She was raped.

9. She is not sure who the father is,

10. Her husband is having an affair.

11. Her husband or the baby's father has left her.

12. She believed the man who said he would love and marry her and then left her.

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