Friday, September 04, 2020




I came across the on Facebook and thought how true.

Both my husband and I are writers. We talk about what we are going to write about (if we know), we edit and edit and edit. The synoposis? That's another story.

Plotting/writing is fun

Creating characters, putting them in situations and getting them out of those solutions or not, making them the age and physical appearance that works is like making new friends. Or if it is a bad guy is making them look or act like someone I dislike is my form of revenge. Of course, I have to disguise the revenge characters.

And I don't want to give the false impression that it is all fun. There are times when my characters just won't obey me. Or they go through the motions while telling me it is wrong, wrong, wrong. Usually a cup of tea will make me give into what they want to do and it becomes fun again.

Editing is fun

This is when a different word, a rearranged sentence or paragraph, a change of name or place, even cutting out entire sections or people and I see the improvement in the story and style. If at the end of a day editing, I can say that "I nailed it" I am a happy woman.

Writing a Synopsis IS NOT FUN

Because my husband is more of a journalist he doesn’t go through the suffering of writing a synopsis. I’ve often said, I’d rather have a tooth filled without Novocain than write a synopsis. If a dentist did that and I could go home to find a wonderful synopsis on my laptop, then I’d do it. It doesn't work that way.

The process -- all of it -- is as much a part of me as breathing -- except that damned synopsis.


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