Thursday, October 29, 2020

Lockdown AGAIN


French President Macron's penetrating blue eyes stared at the camera as he explained the reason France was going back into lockdown. In the lower right corner, a blond woman signed his words. He said there would be more details on Thursday and talked about financial help for those that needed it.

A leader who does not create hysteria and deals with a problem in complete sentences designed to get cooperation not division. This is good.

In March, April, May we experienced lockdown. It was not a problem. Rick and I spend most of our time together anyway.We are more than capable of amusing ourselves and each other.

There were things we missed. Café sits, restaurants, the ease of seeing friends. Waiting in line outside the green grocer and having Elisabeth, Neil and/or Maureen pick out what we needed was a bit different. 

The beach was too far for Sherlock to do zoomies, but a neighbor would pick him up for an extra walk. It increased her time allowed outside.

We all filled out forms when we left the house.

Our biggest worry was getting home to Switzerland before Rick's living permit ran out. We needed to do paperwork for renewal but then the civil offices were lockdown there. It worked out.

Unlike many we were not hurt financially. Rick's work changed format, but he had more than enough. I write on my own schedule. 

We can do this again. There may be more things open. 

Throughout the pandemic the most negative thing is my anger that those endanger others by their behavior or words. 

I plan to make it a good sharing time, with good food, books, laughter, etc.

This time I wish people would co-operate.

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