Saturday, June 17, 2023

Fountains were too costly

During the Middle Ages when people living in Geneva wanted water, they had to walk down to the lake and then carry it back up the hill. The hill is steep.

They must have been very careful on how they used water.

It was decided to hire a man from the south of France to install a water system that would include several fountains.

When the first fountain was completed, he submitted his bill, but the town fathers considered it, much too expensive and the rest of the fountains were cancelled.

For the residents, walking to the one fountain in Place du Bourg de Four was still an improvement of lugging water up the hill.

I do not know if the smaller fountain is the original. I do know the fountain behind it is more modern.

Today the Place du Bourg de Four is the center of the Vieille Ville, the old town. Instead of modestly dressed men and women of Jean Calvin's time, people were walking in shorts, halter tops, short sleeves. Cafés spread out onto the Place and waiters and waitresses serve food and a variety of drinks, including water either tap or bottled. 

Water is still an issue today. Many places are facing drought and there are  restrictions on lawn watering, swimming pools and unnecessary usage. Other areas are being inundated with rain leading to floods.

Clean water is an issue not just in under developed countries but places one would expect it to be normal and not just in Flint, Michigan where clean water was considered less important than saving money.

We can do without green golf courses and swimming pools. We can't do without water to cook, clean and wash. When I run my shower or rinse a dish, I'm reminded that I'm lucky enough to do it without a long walk down the hill.

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