Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Gray shopping for a shopping phobic

I make no apology that I'm shopping phobic. I remember the Saturday, a precious day, I was looking for boots. I went to a number of stores and could not find my size at a price that did not involve offering my daughter for sale to pay for them. I went home and cried because of the wasted day.

My husband does most of our shopping, bless him. Often I will sit in the car and read rather than have to walk thru a store or worse a mall.

I did have one pleasant experience with Ikea in the early 90s. Within an hour or maybe a little more, I was able to walk thru the store and buy EVERYTHING I needed. I lived with and liked my purchases for the next 11 years.

Also a trip to Ikea for new duvet covers produced colorful linens that I enjoy looking at even 3 years later.

Thus when my husband proposed going to Ikea for the microwave we needed, I said yes.

And I'll admit, it is always a pleasure being with him and our lunch was delicious. Because it was Monday, the store was relatively uncrowded. All good.

What I did notice was that what I remembered as being colorful had been replaced by gray with some white and black. Aisle after aisle after aisle after aisle of gray. Dull. Boring. Depressing. Even the linens no longer made my eyes. They were bland.

Our new microwave is now set up, waiting for popcorn and other food to heat. It wasn't a wasted couple of hours. We will need to buy a new duvet cover and pillow set for my daughter's visit at Christmas, but it means finding a place that has colorful ones.

Maybe I can find them online so I don't have to go into a store at all.

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