Tuesday, June 20, 2023

I'm an Amazon Woman

I'm an Amazon woman. Looking at me it would be hard to believe because I'm short and not over weight. I'm also pushing 81 and cannot shoot a bow and arrow as the original Amazon women warriors did. 

The reason?

I had my right breast loped off after it hosted a cancer that wanted to kill me. I wrote about it in a blog, https://www.blogger.com/blog/posts/1226032995833212099 and a book The Cockeyed Nipple which was written for Anglo women in Geneva who were going through breast cancer and didn't speak French. Cancer is scary enough in a mother tongue never mind a language one doesn't speak.

When I saw the wooden Amazon woman made of branches, I had to use it for my Facebook photo.

This year my husband was playing with AI and came up with a drawing of me. He prompted it with white short hair, glasses, sitting on a bed, laptop and butterflies. He wanted the butterflies on the computer because I decorated my laptop with butterflies so it wouldn't be boring black. A cheery laptop helps motivate me in writing.

I retired the Amazon woman from my Facebook page. My husband's version is more relevant. After all, I just got a seven-year bill of health at my last cancer checkup. 

However my right breast is still missing and I still am garbage with a bow and arrow and that is okay. Each day has been a gift.

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