Friday, June 30, 2023

Jacques the Postman .. Free Write

    Free write

Place: Terrace of the tea room Vandoeuvres, Switzerland

Participants: Husband Rick, Sherlock our pup, me

Prompt: A chubby postman on a scooter. loaded with packages and letters and a La Poste logo

Timing: Ten minutes

Jacques jumped off his La Poste scooter and grabbed the envelopes for number 49.

Mavis had another letter from UBS, the fourth this month. Definitely not a statement. He wondered is she were in trouble-financial trouble. 

For the last six months she was at home everyday. No longer did he see her leaving for work dressed in business suits with a colorful scarf around her neck. 

Whenever he saw her now, she wore a jogging suit.

Paul had a postcard of the Roman collosseum from someone named Susanna. She'd written, "I want to make you sorry you didn't come with me."

Richard only had bills from credit card companies.

Nothing for Florence. At least she didn't open her door and ask him if there was anything from her daughter. He always felt sad when he had to answer, "Nothing." He didn't add, although he wanted to, "The little bitch."

Maybe she called her mother or sent emails, but he doubted it.

Today there were extra packages. He was glad he had the scooter rather then have to lug them from La Poste to the recipient.

Note: Today as we wrote three classes of school children walked by. The first, maybe about 11 all carried masks of elephants, tigers, lions and more. The second class, a bit younger wore sparkly headbands and grass skirts. The youngest class wore nothing, but held hands. One straggler was rounded up by the teacher. Tomorrow, I will post another "interview" with a character from Day Care Moms.

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