Sunday, June 11, 2023

Surprise connections


The young man standing at my door was in his early 20s. He was the son of a good, good friend and he was borrowing the keys to my "Nest" my studio apartment to use the wifi.

He wouldn't have been there at all if in 1989 his father living in The Netherlands hadn't bought a copier.

The father copied an ad for a job in Switzerland that was published in the International Herald Tribune.

The father got the job when I was working and we shared a company flat and on some weekends we went from Motiers, Switzerland to my second home in Argelès-sur-mer, France where he met his wife to be.

Voilà! That is how the young man at my door owes his life to a an IHT ad that indirectly linked to his birth.

Over the years a simple incident can lead to a lifetime of change...or it could be only something new.

"Nothing happened today," may not a be a nothing happened at all. Someone might have said hello to you in a store and a week later mention you to someone, who has a job that you would perfect for. Or you end up talking to someone on a bus and you mention you are thinking of moving and the person puts you in touch with a realtor who has the perfect place for you. 

You might be caught in the rain ruining your shoes but at the shoe store to replace them you twist your ankle. The doctor who orders an X-Ray turns you over to a nurse and you chat with her and about her love of quilting. You look into quilting and join a group. You love it so much that about five years later you are giving quilting lessons and eventually open a store selling quilting supplies all because you ruined your shoes in the rain.

We never know what something very simple will lead to. Even if you don't leave the house, a phone call can trigger the universe into a life-changing event maybe not that day, week or month but years.

Kinda makes getting up each day something to look forward to.

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