Monday, July 17, 2023

China service


I'm not a brand name person. I won't wear anything with a brand name. So my love of Villeroy & Boch china services is not in character.

I fell in love with their Acapulco service at a Maine outlet store. Yes, they would ship to France. I sent it to a friend in Toulouse, for my daughter to pick up then take to the studio I had bought for retirement. She was studying in Germany and she and her friends on vacation were checking out the studio in Argelès-sur-mer.

Later when I was living in Geneva, a friend called to say she was at a Vide Grenier (flea market) in Geneva and saw my dish pattern at one CHF per piece. "Buy it all," I said, delighted I would have the service in my current home and future home.

The manufacturer was Villeroy & Boch, a company founded in 1748. Their sales are just under one billion euros now. What I find interesting is that probably 90% of the time when I see a china design I like or love, it is by Villeroy & Boch. 

We've rented a completely furnished studio in a Swiss village near Geneva. 

I shouldn't be surprised that the dishes, which I adored from the time I first opened the cupboard was (drum roll) Villeroy & Boch.

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