Monday, July 10, 2023

Counting snores


After years of being single, marrying and sharing a bed was strange and also wonderful EXCEPT my beloved snored.

When we were in Geneva, I would leave the bedroom TV on. Law and Order, Special Victims Unit, drowned him out. In France, we had a second bedroom, dubbed the Snore Room where I escaped. Although I missed his comforting body next to me, I would wake up in the morning refreshed.

Then our landlady told us about SnoreTek. Rick was fitted with a mouth guard. Doesn't this sound like a product placement???

It isn't. It works. 

Yet it wasn't as comfortable for my poor husband. Since he didn't snore all the time, I suggest he only wear it when his snoring made my sleep impossible.

I have a method to determine when to ask him. Often he would snore a few times then stop. Thus I counted to five and then would shake him and ask him to change position.

If that didn't work and he continued snoring I would count to five again. That was the point I would ask him to put in the SnoreTek and we would both sleep well the rest of the night.

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