Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Ignorant voter


Watching Mike Pence talk to a group of voters, I was shocked to hear a woman challenge him saying that if he had done what he should, Trump would be president.

Although I'm not a big fan of Pence, he handled it well, pointing out that he couldn't because of the Constitution.

I shouldn't have been surprised. I still remember the elderly man tell a candidate to keep his government hands off his Medicare, totally unaware that Medicare was a government program.

Or the man who told John McCain that Obama was a Muslim. McCain put the man straight.

Often when people's opinions are expressed, it is obvious that they lack basic knowledge. Ignorance can be corrected. Stupidity is forever.

I know reducing educational content in schools, the US is raising another group of ignorant voters that no country can afford. AS John F. Kennedy said, "The ignorance of one voter impairs the security of all."

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