Monday, July 24, 2023



My family joked that my brother had put a sign in front of our house says, "Unwed Cat Mothers Welcomed."

Over the years more than one pregnant cat took up residence.

My mother and I would wait until my brother and grandmother were in bed then bring out the box of kittens. We watched their development adoring every minute as they grew more playful.

Most of the time we found homes for them. One time we didn't. My mother and grandmother called the Animal rescue League telling us the kittens would go to a happy farm. My brother and I hid the kittens, which were not found until after the League drivers had disappeared.

We did keep two kittens which we named Splochie, a tough male who brought us birds, mice and once even a snake which he deposited in the fireplace for us to admire. The neighbors heard my grandmother's screams. 

Toughie was a little tiger in markings only and lacked his brother's hunting skills. He did manage one day to capture a feather which he displayed with the same pride that his brother did with his birds and mice.

Today, I'm more of a dog person, but I melt when I look into the eyes of kitten. Unlike my late brother, I don't adopt them. If a cat adopted me? Who knows?

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