Friday, July 14, 2023

Marital Grammar Conversations.


My husband and I are both writers, journalists, professional communicators. 

Today, as we were riding thru the countryside to the farmers' market in another village, he once again corrected me on how I used less vs. fewer.

I countered on can and may which he confuses. sometimes My grandmother's voice, despite having died over 40 years ago, still echos. "You can go, but you may not."

Then we laughed. "How many couples," he said, "talk about grammar?"

He is right. We do discuss grammar and meaning of words. We will read a well-written sentence to each other or for that matter, a badly written one. A misleading headline or a great one -- that will be shared.

Oh, we have ordinary conversations too: what's for lunch, the dog needs to go out, have you seen (fill in the blanc), did you call (fill in the blank), wanta watch something tonight...

Sometimes our conversations are more serious about our work, budget, daughters. But overall, the grammar ones are more fun.


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