Friday, July 21, 2023

Rows or circles


Any married couple knows that each one brings into the relationship there own way of doing things. 

Rick and I have had our share of conversations on hiccup cures, filing or lack there of, scarves against sore throats (I think this is a European vs. American thingie) and more.

One of the most recent was how to eat corn on the cob. He eats it in rows and I eat it in circles.

Corn when I first moved to Europe was considered only good for cattle. I was spoiled coming from New England. I'd call my daughter telling her the time I'd be home and she should have water boiling. I'd stop on the way home from work and pick or buy freshly picked corn. As soon as I walked in the door, we would shuck it and cook it. Anything else wasn't worth eating.

Having gone through years of corn deprivation combined with the change in corn production for humans in Europe, I changed the way I ate it. I ate it in rounds. I did not add the butter and salt that my husband slathered the corn with.

We decided to do a Facebook survey on how others ate it: rows won out seven to one. 

How we differ in any of these issues will not change the strength of our marriage. It does make for a few giggles.

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