Monday, August 28, 2023

The heat has broken.


The heat has broken. Temperatures that were in the high 30s or even 40s are down to the low to mid 20s. (102/71°F) A breeze/wind is gusting in the 70k an hour range but the regular wind is about 24K an hour according to

I survived the summer's heat. Yesterday's rain was strong not filling the dry river but creating a stream.

I laid on the couch reading as I took a writing break and looked up at the leaves dancing thru my sheer red curtain.

It's been a lovely day. My husband went to Spain to play golf. I'm happy that he's happy. Normally we are together 24/7 which is great but I'm always happy to discover I can be alone and it's okay. Maybe our secret is we can be alone together. It also helps we are both writers, share many, many interests and appreciate those that we don't share.

It's been a good writing day on my book of remarkable but unsung women. Sometimes it is hard to condense a life that could be a 500 page or more book into 150 words plus or minus and capture the essence of the person. Some almost write themselves. I've about 300 of the 1000 I need to write. To take a break, I did a bit more on my anthology of  short stories and poetry, mostly published that I want published as soon as I can get it ready for print.

Today's women were a teacher of the deaf who was present when Alexander Graham Bell made his first phone call and a communist dissident from Romania. I polished the write up on a woman who learned to fly a plane  before she learned to drive and was a flyer in WWII. There was also a Canadian ice hockey player turned small town mayor. Fascinating women.

Sherlock and I went to La Lola, the restaurant on the corner. It was too windy to eat outside. He wanted to take a walk on the way back and I stopped to talk to a French woman and an English man who live in London. Lovely conversation, and of course they thought the dog was cute. They were relieved their holiday was not totally destroyed by the heat.

Was invited to dinner with good friends for Wednesday night.

Tonight, when I crawl into bed, I will feel I made the most of my day, a NOT HOT DAY.

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