Friday, September 22, 2023

Free Write Getting Out of Bed


Mornings, I gentle myself awake. I love my bed, my linens, my husband and dog sharing my space. 

I usually wake long before having to get up, usually between eight and nine in the morning.

I read. Rick may read or browse the internet sharing well written sentences and news clips I need to know.

The day ahead should be good. A writer is coming to share a cup of tea, I have my writing planned out. 

And I do need to hang up the laundry now that I've heard the machine's beep.

It is cool and I imagine a possible walk with the dog.

It's my turn to make lunch and I'll do a New England type meal of baked beans and franks. 

It is not impossible that I will wander around the corner to check on what new local fruit and veggies are available.

This is the hardest moment of any day -- when I have to separate myself from the  bed. It's warm. Cozy. I love the colors of the bed linens. I like looking through the heart decorated sheer curtains onto the patio.

Part of me could snuggle under the covers for a couple of more chapters and perhaps a quickie nap. Instead, I throw back the covers but lie there for one precious moment more before gathering my clothes and head for the shower.

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