Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Free write - Philathropic Reptiles

When my grandmother saw a snake, the entire neighborhood would know from her screams.

As an adult I wasn't so afraid of snakes that I would have nightmares. One snake appeared in back-to-back nightmares saying, "I bet you thought you got rid of me in your last dream."

If I read about a snake in a book or magazine, I'd put said book or magazine in the freezer so it wouldn't slither out  into my dreams. 

It worked. No nightmares.

As a child I  wasn't afraid.

With bath time, my mother and I would tell double stories, each of us having a part to play.

One of my favorite roles, I would be a philanthropic snake (PS) and she would find needy causes. We were always sure my grandmother wasn't listening.

Where the idea came from to be a PS, has been lost somewhere in the crevices of my memory.

You will notice, this is not an illustrated blog. No way was I searching for a photo of a S philanthropic or not.

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