Monday, October 30, 2023



The 7:05 bells rang, having adjusted to going off Daylight Savings Time. They do that every day. They will ring again at 7:05 p.m. for about 35 times.  My husband Rick says it's 36. I won't argue, he's better at math and measurements.

The church, built in the 1300s, is at the end of our short street of our little French Village.

No longer is it someone's job to ring them, so it must be computerized. We wonder how they programmed them because they ring differently for marriages, mass and funerals.

We often use the 7:05 ringing as the message to get up.

"What would happen," I asked my husband after today's morning, if they mixed up the bells and set the funeral dirge to ring for a marriage.

"Right after the groom said, 'I do.'" 

"It could be sabotage by an ex-girl friend," I said.

"Or his mother," he said.

"They could be in cahoots," I said.

Maybe the next time we see the priest, we will ask him...or maybe Jean-Marc, the village historian or maybe we will just continue to imagine different possibilities.

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