Sunday, October 15, 2023

Making the Ordinary Special

 Rick pointed out my beloved rainbow basket is beginning to unravel. NO! NO! NO!

It is my second since 2003. Sherlock chewed the first and I'd hoped it would be my only or at best one of two baskets for the rest of my life be it a year or ten. 

I do have a picnic basket, a gift from a friend who knew we were gathering picnic dishes, tableware and containers from various vide greniers (flea markets). So much better than going to a store than just buying one basket.

The basket is for everything: bread from the baker, veggies from the green grocer, meat from the butcher. It is for carrying books and laundry to hang outside. It is to be treasured.

I want most things I own to be limited in number and special. My pens, my notebooks all give me pleasure because they are special and beautiful in their own right. 

When I lived in my Nest, a studio, it was easier. Nothing, and I mean nothing came into my home that didn't have meaning or a use. One or at the most two of anything. It is harder in a larger place where two people live. 

Still, I'm hoping we can repair my rainbow basket. And if I have to replace it (shudder) I can find one for a lifetime.

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