Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The War


 CNN has several reporters on the ground in Israel. They are seen in helmets and vests marked press and often have to jump when a siren sounded. They huddled in shelters and talked to people who were terrified, who were wondering what had happened to their relatives.

The attack has to be horrendous to the Israelis, a people who have been persecuted throughout history.thinon of Gaza. 

Yes, Israel does have the right to protect itself. It does not have the right to treat Gaza as it has. Fighting back, ill conceived or not, was a logical decision.

Yes, Palestine has the right to defend itself too. 

I met my first Palestinian right after the 1967 war and the story I heard from her was far different than anything I'd ever read. 

Living in Geneva, I've several Palestinian friends, not so much for political decisions but for meals, a movie, or an evening to belly dancing.

Yes, I have Jewish friends and I've been to a Nazi concentration camp and listened to hours of tapes recorded by survivors. Horrendous that any human could do that to another human.

I wonder, if I say everyone in Florida was removed from their homes and sent to another state against their will and the land given back to the Indians from whom the land belonged originally from the beginning of time, can the parallels be believed?

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