Sunday, November 26, 2023

FlashNano 2023 Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water

This is the 26th day of 30 days where participants write a flash fiction piece from a prompt. The 26th prompt was to include at least one of  the four elements of yesteryear earth,wind, fire and water. I've tried for all four.

James looked up from reading his book as his daughter raced thru the room. They should have named her Windy instead of Wendy, he thought. She sucked the air out of a room when she breezed through.

She created whirlwinds of activity wherever she went, never mind destruction of things she knocked over.

At four when his wife Maddie was planting tulip bulbs, Wendy dug a hole in the earth so deep, he could have buried an animal the size of a fox. When she played in her bathwater there would be floods on the bathroom floor.

They had always known she was active, but only when her day care owner said they could no longer keep her, did they seek medical device.  

The doctors called it ADHD, Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder.  They'd tried amphetamines and methylphenidate treatments, but when they didn't seem to help they went through a pharmacy of other drugs. None really helped.

Raising Wendy left him and Maddie exhausted.

At the same time, Wendy could concentrate when she was really interested. They'd given her a water color set and when she spent hours working on paintings, sometimes becoming angry when she didn't get the result they wanted, they sent her to art classes where she used acrylics. 

Her painting of a fireplace hung over the fireplace. Her teacher said she had talent. She wanted to go to art school. He and Maddie were investigating.

Wendy thudded downstairs, rushed through the room and as she opened the door called back, "Be back later." 

James went back to reading his book. His daughter was 18. He accepted it was what it was.

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