Saturday, December 16, 2023

Minced Pies


My first encounter with UK-style minced pies was in Wales. I was doing a creative writing masters and the last session before Christmas, the Christmas break, the director served sherry and tiny mincemeat pies like the ones above.

I'd been used to my grandmother's Christmas pies: apple, pumpkin and mincemeat all made to a New England recipe. They were full sized.

Fast forward to Argelès-sur-mer, France a few decades later where an English woman whom we've dubbed, The Brownie Lady, produces wonderful mini minced pies during the Christmas season. Since we spend almost all Christmases there we can enjoy this British tradition. 

Ideally now if we could find some Christmas crackers we could wear funny hats and read riddles and jokes as we eat our minced pies.

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