Friday, January 26, 2024

Compulsive Reader

How does a cheapskate who is also a compulsive reader live with herself. 

The cheapskate part is easy. If forced to go into a store I resist buying anything that isn't necessary wondering is it necessary, I mean really necessary, really necessary, really?

Almost always the answer is no.

Living in Geneva and Southern France, although I can read French, English is easier. 

Last year I read 27,762 book pages, a three-year low. Forced to spend four days in the hospital, I called it a Reading Vacation and read a book a day.

Books become treasures. I haunt the English library and free book kiosks for those who've left anglo books.

However, my favorite haunt is a new English bookstore, Pages and Sips in Geneva's Vieille Ville. They are great for ordering books I wouldn't find from my other sources.

When our orders are in, we go there for their scones and tea. The atmosphere with the soft colors, book shelves, old beams is soul relaxing.

Each time, I tell myself, I won't buy anything else. Unfortunately, for my cheapskate status but fortunate for Page & Sips, there is a book display table next to where we sit to eat.  

I have to look, telling myself maybe I can find a present for Julia, Marina or other book-loving friends and usually do.

A book catches my eye. "Don't pick it up," I think as I reach for it. Nice design on the front cover.

Oh, the back cover the write up is intriguing. So is the first paragraph. And the second, and the third. So what that I have at least three unread books at home and am half way through a fourth and three quarters through a fifth.  

This week, on the way out after we've paid for the ordered books and the scones and pumpkin bread for tea that afternoon and breakfast tomorrow, I see Luca, a favorite staff member, setting up a display. The cover is interesting.

I mess up his display and pay for the book. I guess I really needed it, really, really needed it. My compulsive reader self told my cheapskate self to shut up.

Note: D-L Nelson is the author of 17 published books. Visit her website at


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