Monday, January 08, 2024

Reading Security Books, Books Books


"It is foolish to think that you have to read all the books you buy, as it is foolish to criticize those who buy more books than they will ever be able to read. It would be like saying that you should use all the cutlery or glasses or screwdrivers or drill bits you bought before buying new ones." Umberto Eco

I eat books, or at least I do with my eyes. Almost every year I read between 25,000 and 35,000 pages in books. Magazines and newspapers are not counted.

There's a certain panic level when I don't have the next book ready. I often am reading two or more books, putting one down after a chapter and picking up another.

At the same time, I'm a minimalist. I don't want extra things, but books don't fall in that category. I keep certain books, but many are donated to libraries, the little crippled man who sells them on the French village marché, kiosks that have sprung up in our Swiss and French villages. 

Because I live in a Francophone world, English books take on greater value. Yes I could, and sometimes do, read in French, but it isn't the same pleasure.

When we are in Geneva, the book store Pages and Sips is a necessary stop, not just for books but scones and tea. Also they order books for us. I know with my Kindle, a new book(s) is just a few clicks away.

We are members of the English library in Geneva. Between my husband and me, we can take out 12 books a month, well worth the annual fee. It pays for itself with four books. They have two annual book sales a year and a few shelves where donations are sold. 

In our new flat we have more book shelves than books. Before moving we cleared out read books. Only once before did I have that many shelves, a complete library room with fireplace and a bay window. That was when I lived on Wigglesworth Street in Boston. The other rooms also had book shelves. 

As for the new flat, some shelves are filled with books but also a number of small paintings provided by my artist who illustrated my novel Day Care Moms.

My tastes are eclectic: history, politics, mysteries, chick lit, non-fiction myriad topics, Right now I'm reading, The Clockmaker's Daughter and Blow Out by Rachel Meadow. Her Prequel is on my shelf waiting along with a Heather Cox Richardson book as well as five library books. Now that is book security.

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