Monday, January 22, 2024




With three decades of living in Europe, how well informed Europeans are about America can be unbelievable. In some cases, they are far better informed than Americans themselves if the interviews of average Americans on the news are any example.

Not a new phenomena.

Election night when Bush Sr. won over Dukakis, I'd been invited to a special all night watch-the-results at the Toulouse Ecole de Commerce. The students put on sketches and acts between results that would have been sufficient for any graduate class in political history,

For a 30 minute appointment with my tax accountant, he spent 20 talking about the Clinton-Lewinsky debacle. He knew all the players.

During Obama's first presidential run, so many strangers, when hearing my American accent would talk about him. Yes they could.

The last few days when I've been out all sorts of people have mentioned Trump including:

  • Doctors in the emergency room
  • Nurses giving me shots
  • Those bringing me my meals
  • Hairdressers (the entire beauty shop)
  • Waiters

They talk about the lies, the lack of coherence which is covered on many of the international news stations.

Most are speaking with fear.

The leaders of Scandavian countries are expressing fear at what Trump will do, especially on NATO questions.

As an ex-American, I watch what is happening to my birth country with a great deal of sadness. Because I left doesn't mean I stopped caring.

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